Black Ops 3 is widely considered to be the best all around Call of Duty Zombies game out there, but there will be 5 major gameplay changes made to the mode heading into the new Call of Duty WWII Zombies game!

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1. Zombies Types- There will be much wider selection of zombie types than we ahve seen in Black Ops 3. These types include the ‘pest’ zombie whole sole mission is to distract you from greater threats. The addition on new zombie types will hopefully result in a wider degree of different expreinces in-game!

2. Dynamic Events – we are used to opening doors within Zombies maps by opening then up using simply points, but that will change in the new game. Within the new map, you will be required to beat several challenges in order to open several key doors and progress further into the map.

3. W Perks – As in IW Zombies it seems like supply drop exclusive perks W Variants and perks will be added into the game on top on the attachment system we already have in Black Ops 3.

4. Gobblegum replacement – The replacement for the Gobblegum system is fairly interesting, where the player is allowed to choose two consumable abilities to enter the game, but how many times those abilities can be used is determined by obtaining a special item through supply drops.

5. For the first time ever a dynamic class system is being added to COD Zombies, each with their own special perks and abilities!
More Here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvVsZw_QfJI

Sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/74lll6/wwii_nazi_zombies_info_pulled_from_the_pc_beta/?st=j8vtqgbn&sh=9e1fb6d7
Game Informer Article: https://imgur.com/a/9odUI

Twitch………………….► https://www.twitch.tv/codzombieshq

Outro Song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmu5Lo0lVnQ

Thanks so much for watching!