Goodbye, Call of Duty WW2…

Goodbye, Call of Duty WW2…
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If things pan out the way I think they will, this will be my last Call of Duty WW2 video.

COD WW2 launched with too little content and took to long to catch up and keep me and my friends interested. It suffered from the “Fortnite Effect”

It does take more than JUST boots on the ground to make a COD game good, and Call of Duty WW2 is proof of that.

Hopefully upcoming “classic COD” games can pinpoint why players actually enjoyed old Call of Duty games; they were built for fun, casual and social gameplay with friends, and they were (mostly) complete from Day 1.

Anyway, the intent of this video is not negative in the slightest. Critical, maybe, but not negative. I want COD WW2 to RIP with the best moments I had playing it over this last year or so, and we can all look forward to Black Ops 4 very soon! ^-^

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Outro Song: BAMF – Pegboard Nerds (Family Friendly Remix)

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Thanks for watching!

Erik – M3RKMUS1C

#Goodbye #RIP #CallofDutyWW2