Donations: https://streamlabs.com/themarkofaherothehunter
SPONSOR ME: https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCln9WuNUhnA73eATZuLfM0g
I will be focused on bringing you the best COD WWII content when it drops, for now enjoy mostly Infinite Warfare and Black Ops.
I upload primarily Call of Duty videos with the occasional video from another game. During the school season I upload 2-3 videos during the week and live stream every weekend. I upload a variety of videos ranging from Tryhard Pubstomping gameplays, Sniping Videos, Montages, and even a random voice crack video. I hope you guys enjoy what you see and subscribe if you do! I LOVE YOU ALL!
Inspirations (many are from before Ghosts)
Ghosts: FaZe Bloo
Advanced Warfare: ExoTic MoTioN
BO3: Spratt, Testy, SwaggXBL, Kor3ayn, xProMvz and the many more friends I have gained during this time.
Infinite Warfare: ImGameplaYz, TheUnstoppable E , and the MANY others I have gained during this time.