Donations are much appreciated, anything helps!
Donate here : Paypal: paypal.me/steffenalex
https://streamlabs.com/evazer 🙂
Check out Fatalgrips.com and use the code Evazer for 10% off!!
WW2 – All Working Glitches On AACHEN ( After Patch August 2018 )
All working glitches in 2018, best glitches in 2018, cod glitches in 2018
Please subscribe for daily glitches! It helps alot 🙂
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xshEZzpS4CQ&t=44s
I will also make glitches on:
Ardennes Forest
Carentan Winter
Flak Tower
Gustav Cannon
London Docks
Pointe du Hoc
Sainte Marie du Mont
USS Texas
Sub to:
DaxerHD – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEsC
Sub to KillerSteve:
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