Does Alpha Omega Break the Cycle? (Black Ops 4 Zombies Aether Storyline Explained)

The Entire Call of Duty Zombies Storyline Explained (Before Black Ops 4)

Alpha Omega Full Storyline Explained (Black Ops 4 Zombies)

I explain and analyze Alpha Omega’s connections and contradictions with the zombies chronicles timeline and the greater Primis cycle. Alpha Omega is a remake of Nuketown Zombies that acts as the third aether storyline map in Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies following Blood of the Dead and Classified.

Check out some of my other videos:

The Entire Call of Duty Zombies Chaos Storyline Explained

Monty’s Plan Was a Lie! Peter McCain is Alive! (BO4 Zombies Alpha Omega Storyline Radios)