Today we are looking at the Battle Doc Pass available for Black Ops Cold War in store for $9.99. This is available in May for Call Of Duty Endowment Month and for every challenge completed, Activision will donate $1 USD to the Call of Duty Endowment, up to $1 million USD.
Support US and UK military veterans by purchasing the C.O.D.E. Battle Doc Pack for use in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone. This Store Bundle is created in partnership with US Army Combat Medical Badge recipient Sergeant First Class Timothy “Doc” Hobbs, Jr., US Army (Ret.), who served on four combat deployments and one humanitarian mission.
Purchase the C.O.D.E. Battle Doc Pack* Store Bundle to support the Endowment and receive an Epic Sims Operator skin, Legendary Weapon Blueprint, Epic Weapon Charm, Epic Calling Card and Emblem, and Double Weapon XP Token.
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