I Found the NEW QUICKEST LW3 Tundra and.. omg..
(Cold War FASTEST ADS LW3 Tundra Class)
#ColdWarSniping #SearchAndDestroy #ColdWar
HOW TO DO DOUBLE SNIPER GLITCH – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5jAvLQS0gE
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FOLLOW MY TWITCH – https://twitch.tv/ObeyKiaH
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Fastest ADS lw3 Tundra Class
LW3 Tundra Class Setup
Cold War LW3 Tundra
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What 150,000 KILLS with a LW3 Tundra on Black Ops Cold War looks like…
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#SwissK31Sniping #SwissK31ColdWar #K31ClassSetup #ColdWarSND #FaZe #FaZeClan #BlackOpsColdWar #CallofDuty #LW3Tundra #LW3 #TundraColdWar