Today we are going through every call of duty and playing the best campaign mission from each. We will discuss if it was underrated or overrated. #callofduty
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:04 COD 4
00:17:37 World at War
00:30:30 MW2
00:38:46 BO1
00:47:49 MW3
00:59:23 BO2
01:12:30 Ghost
01:23:18 Advance Warfare
01:36:56 BO3
01:49:02 IW
02:07:10 WWII
02:18:44 BO4
02:18:57 MW19
02:25:45 Cold War
02:37:22 Vanguard
02:56:13 MWII
02:59:58 MWIII
03:05:35 BO6
03:26:22 Outro