Streaming schedule is currently 7pm-10pm AEST everyday and sometimes a day stream on weekends or days off. These times can vary depending on family commitments but if I am not on please feel free to come and say hello in the discord, just follow the link below.
If you would like to support the channel please feel free to do so @ https://streamlabs.com/skillzzsaf
Please join my discord if you would like to chat outside of playing hours just click on the link @ https://discord.gg/WegJaMK
Also jump over to my twitch channel and give me a follow I would very much appreciate it @ https://www.twitch.tv/skillzzsaf
Hi everyone welcome to the stream. I am a hard working family man, father of 2 beautiful kids and I enjoy playing video games in my spare time. The ultimate dream would to become a full time content creator and maybe one day if we can gather enough support that dream could become a reality. I am currently focused on Call of Duty Blackout and I can not wait for the new call of duty to come out and grind that baby into the ground. If you have popped on into the channel I hope you enjoy the content, please like the video and scroll back through my videos on the channel as there are some insane gameplays that I think you will enjoy. Thanks again for all of your support! Much love after all It’s clutching season out here.