Hey guys Its Ilusion here and welcome back to another video 🙂
Today I have for you fine people A search and destroy video from black ops cold war 🙂
Search and destroy or more commonly known as snd is a fun game mode…. which I am terrible at because I cant aim lmao
But yeh I used some new concepts and different memes in this vid to try and spice it up a lil bit 🙂
Probably gonna upload a Warzone DMR EXE next because that is literally just call of duty rn lol
Hopefully You enjoy and if You guys could drop a sub and like it would mean the world 🙂
We r trying to hit 69k By the end of the month or my b-day which is the 24th 🙂
If we could do that it would genuinely be insane…
Anyways This Is The Black Ops Cold War Search And Destroy Experience.EXE
Business Email- ItsIlusionBusiness@gmail.com