Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Blackout – “Hot Pursuit” Win with 14 Kills
This was my best game of Hot Pursuit this weekend in Blackout on Black Ops 4. Hot Pursuit is a new cops and robbers type limited time mode (LTM) where there are cop and robber vehicles as well as supply stashes all over the map. The cop vehicles have a built in sensor dart that activates when the siren is on and the robber vehicles show where supply stashes and drops are around the map. The cop vehicles also show where the nearest robber vehicles are. This game mode also has respawning for each of the 5 white circles as long as someone in your team is still alive. After the 5th circle collapses, then teammates will no longer respawn as the final circle collapses. If you die, when you redeploy you will be given a Strife pistol or a MX-9 SMG as soon as you land. Hope you enjoy my best gameplay over the weekend!