If you think the permanent upgrades in Cold War Zombies are overpowered now Treyarch confirmed that even more upgrades are coming to the game soon!

1. In a major new patch for Cold War Zombies Treyarch introduced a new Zombies Game Mode as a public playlist, makes the new Zombies Outbreak mode more difficult and fixes a major issue that Zombies players have been pleading with Treyarch to be changed!

2. Treyarch appeared in Zombies Streamer JCBackfire’s chat to tease some upcoming content headed to the Zombies mode at the start of season 3. Amongst that new content will be even more permanent upgrades and or new Perks for players to unlock!
Source –

3. The location of all of the Jump Scare Easter Eggs have been documents on the new Zombies Outbreak mode, meaning if you want to workj towards earning an exclusive Zombies calling car din Cold War these are the location you need to check!
Locations –

4. Playing Zombies can be difficult enough, but thanks to a new glitch some players are forced to play the game inverted, good luck!
Check It Out –

5. Apparently the Rover has a dig function that allows it to burrow deep under the map, until it want to return to the surface that is!
See it –

0:00 Treyarch Drops Huge Update
0:31 New Zombies Gamemode Goes Public
1:37 Console Players This Should Help
2:00 Outbreak Is Now More Difficult
2:55 Holdout Objective Zombies Fixed
3:43 Boss Zombies Now Damages You
4:12 They FINALLY Fixed This!
4:51 Teleported Under The Map
5:15 Chopper Goes Vroom
5:30 Healing Aura Secret Effect Patched
5:51 Actual In Game Teleporter Sound
5:56 Even More Skill Tiers Inbound
6:58 Also The New Leaked Perks
7:30 Outbreak Zombies Easter Egg Locations
8:30 The Australia Glitch
9:20 Rover Digs To The Center Of The Earth
9:50 Main Easter Egg Changes Good or Bad!

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