“New Call of Duty Mobile Game in Development By Activision – New Call of Duty Mobile Update 2021 (Call of Duty News) COD Mobile News – New COD Mobile Game 2021 – COD Mobile 2 – Call of Duty Mobile 2 – Call of Duty 2022 Release Date (Call of Duty 2022 Game) Gaming News, Activision New Game”
Sources (so you can learn more information):
→ https://investor.activision.com/news-releases/news-release-details/activision-acquires-mobile-game-developer-digital-legends
→ https://www.digital-legends.com/index.html
→ https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=4891063256694501336
Hey everybody! MASSIVE NEWS! Yesterday, Activision put out a press release where they detailed how they just acquired company Digital Legends, creators of massive mobile games like Afterpulse and Respawnables, and how this new team of developments will help Activision in creating the next new mobile Call of Duty game! I am so hyped for this, and I hope it won’t be too long until this game comes out! 😀
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