****My Goal This year 2020 is to get 1k subs 😀 ****
****Hi ladies and gentlemen and Wellcome to my stream!!
Call Of Duty: Blackout and Modern Warfare in the house,
Just sit back and enjoy the stream and let’s have a chat together!
Everybody is welcome to join the stream, chat, and community 🙂
If you want to know me better down here I have my other social media links 😀
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/…/UCOZodw9nUmcW…
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wickcreator/
Snapchat: wickcreator777
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreatorWick
That’s All ! and If you like to make a DONO of your choice here is the link too
Donations : https://streamlabs.com/liamnappa/tip
THANK YOU, everyone, for stopping by and let’s relax and chill
Video Tags : (PLEASE IGNORE)
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