Hey guys 👋
This is my first ever collaboration with another COD finishing move YouTuber, Jahsehapproves. Just to let you know, I did the Gungnir Minotaur skin and Ultra skin Polina clips and Jahsehapproves did the Berserkr Wraith skin. Anyways, please like and subscribe and enjoy the compilation!
Also THANK YOU GUYS FOR 6K!!! I love you guys.
Jahsehapproves: https://youtube.com/c/MontesHarper
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War finishers
Cold war takedowns
Warzone executions
Modern Wafare assassinations
Vanguard finishing moves
Cod finishers
Season 1
Season 2
#CallofDuty #ModernWarfare #BlackOps #ColdWar #Vanguard #Warzone
#mw #cw #wz #vg #100+ #Finisher