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Hello Welcome the to stream 🙂 ! here you will find daily 8hr+ cod ww2 livestream
_______STATS_____ :
What is ranked play ?
Ranked Play is a gametype in Call of Duty: WWII. Players compete 4v4 in “seasons”, playing a variety of modes including Hardpoint , S&D & CTF. It’s also the sweatiest(=very good players) mode of cod in general , where all the sweaty players hang out and also play before doing the legendary maxi sweaty mcsweat MLG GB’s
A player’s rank is determined upon a SBMM system & Victories/Defeats , Victories earning anywhere from 25-50 MMR And losing if it’s a defeat ranging from rank 500 to 2500 (you can be more and less but that is the most common)
The goal (for me) is to be against better players or people with the same skill as me so I can learn something different out of every match ,understand what was done good or wrong , how I can help my team and progression towards a higher rank. Remember that my experience with past cods is no where near as intense than it is with this cod (refer to my cod history below) I felt the need to be against the sweatiest people to progress rapidly and catch up on the players that have 200-300 days played on cod in total. For that exact reason you will not see me in TDM against noob lobbies to get V2’s and have everyone call me a god when nothing impressive was done……. You know what’s impressive ? going 27-1 in RANKED lol (check my twitter @exohydrax for the screenshot)
The one thing with ranked is : Teammates , they play a valuable role in the game. you could go 60-15 have 1m30 hill time and you could still lose the match because your teammates didn’t care about the objective or rage quited….
Example : if A player’s rank is 1500 if they win a match their rank will be 1525 if they lose it will be 1475
Item’s such as Rapid fire , FMJ , DLC weapons , LMGs as well as more than 50% of the divisions are banned in ranked play
If you’re still interested here are my public match stats :
⭐ Prestige master level 500
⭐ 1.63 K/D ratio
⭐ 374 SPM
⭐ 28 days played
⭐ FAV mode : Ranked & Gungame
⭐ FAV weapons : BAR + PPSH
⭐ FAV maps : London docks + Ardennes forest
⭐ Exo is 19 years old
⭐Exo doesn’t play Fortnite , Rainbow or battlefield , PLEASE DO NOT ASK.
___________Frequently asked questions (we get these every single stream lol)___________
1.Do you have a boyfriend ?
I do not have a boyfriend & Do not want a boyfriend , being in a relationship has always been the least of my concern , my main focus being ; COD & sharing it with you guys.
2.Why don’t you stream fortnite (or other games)
3.Where are you from ?
I was born in France and now live in the United Kingdom
4.When did you start Youtube ?
In 2014 however I took a 3 year break and came back end of last year.
5. What’s your Instagram/Twitter ?
It’s below my facecam.
6.How do you speak so many languages ?
A mix of school , origins , and where I lived.
I have pre-ordered BO4 and will forge a real opinion once I play it ….. but so far I’d say it looks like a great BO3 DLC.
8. PS4 , XBOX or PC
❀ COD MW3 : Prestige 1 (1 day played)
❀ COD BO2 : Prestige 1 (1 day played)
❀ COD GHOSTS : Prestige 1 (1 day played)
❀ COD BO3 : MP 200 (Hardcore S&D 13 days played)
❀ COD WW2 : MP 500 (Harpoint , Ranked , TDM , Gun game , War)
Any questions or want to say hello ? Write it in the chat Exo does her best to read the chat and interact with everyone 😀 !
Keep the chat cool and fun 🙂 ! ANY spam, troll , creepy or disrespectful behavior will be banned.
Hope you enjoy the stream and thank you so much for being here ❤ Subscribe to join the exo gang gang
______________Let’s be Friends__________________________
🌟 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/exohydrax?sub_=
🌟 Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/exohydrax
🌟 Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/exohydrax
🌟 Snapchat : ExoHydraX
beats https://www.youtube.com/user/CHUKImusic