Call of Duty: WWII Prestige Mode Explained (Leaked Info)
This is Mack, for Pixel Enemy, here to talk about prestiging in Call of Duty: WWII.
Prestige has been in Call of Duty since the Modern Warfare days. Back then, entering into Prestige Mode meant forgoing all of your current progress in exchange for a cooler-looking player icon.
In the more recent Call of Duty titles, Prestige has worked a little differently. You still trade-in most of your progress, but in exchange you get some bonuses, like a new Custom Class slot and additional challenges.
In Call of Duty: WWII it looks like players will get a little something extra. Thanks to the info found in the mined PC beta files, we’ve now got a good idea of what WWII’s Prestige Mode will involve.
Again, take all this with a grain of salt, as some of these things may have changed by the game’s launch.
First up is a little reminder of a tweet from Sledgehammer Games’ Michael Condrey back in June, which hinted that there will be 55 levels and 10 stages of Prestige. Just bear that in mind as I read what the leaked info says:
By Prestiging, you’ll unlock a permanent slot in Class Creation. All your weapon levels, challenge progress, and customization will remain.
Show your true dedication to the cause and prestige in front of all your friends.
Start over at Rank 1 having gained a bit of Prestige. You will keep all progress made towards Weapon Levels, Challenges and Customization. In exchange you will receive an Extra Create a Class slot and have access to Prestige Awards.
You must be eligible to prestige in order the enter the Prestige Overlook.
You’ll get an Prestige Unlock Token to permanently unlock items for your loadouts.
You’ll be granted access to a special set of prestige Rewards and Challenges.
Congratulations, Soldier. Command has given you some options for how you’d like to proceed now that you’re prestiged. You may claim one of the following rewards at any time before your next prestige.
There are five listed Prestige Rewards comprising of a Class Token Refund, Hard Reset, Guaranteed Rewards, Gun Bench, and New Custom Class Slot.
So rank up to level 55, enter Prestige, and then lose your unlocks in exchange for an Unlock Token, a new Custom Class slot and one of the other Prestige Rewards.
What do you think of how Prestige is handled in Call of Duty: WWII? Let me know in the comments below.
If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button, and subscribe, if you haven’t already. This has been Mack, for Pixel Enemy, goodbye.
Call of Duty: WWII Prestige System, Headquarters, Contracts, Quartermaster & More Info Leaked
Call of Duty: WWII Prestige System, Headquarters, Contracts, Quartermaster & More Info Leaked
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