Welcome everyone!😍 My channel is about all the games i love to play. I make videos of Rainbow Six Siege and I can stream any suggested games 😝. I hope to become friends with everybody as I need friends to share my memerinies with 🙃. Make sure to SMACK 👋🏽 that SUBSCRIBE button in the lil nose 👃🏽 or I’ll steal ye shoes at night. 🙃 Also if you’re feeling kind, here’s the link to donate..💚https://streamlabs.com/ltfoxy
➡️ PSN – Soph_babeyy ⬅️
➡️Twitter- Lt_Foxy ⬅️
➡️Snapchat- Lt_Foxy ⬅️
➡️Instagram- Sophia_sixsiege ⬅️