Cold War – Entire history of Cold War – USA vs USSR – IAS/PCS/UPSC – Full video – New Cold War

#coldwar #usavsrussia #ussr #usa
The video gives a detailed explanation of the Cold War. It explained the entire history of cold war with help of animations. It covers all major events that took place during Cold War including Cuban Missile Crisis.
It also explains the NEW COLD WAR of 21st Century emerging between USA and China.
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Time Stamps:
0:00 – Introduction
2:10 – Characteristics of Cold War
4:52 – Divided Europe
5:32 – USA’s Policies
7:00 – 1940’s to 1950’s
9:03 – Korean War
9:45 Domino Theory
10:47 – Escalations
11:40 – 1950’s
13:10 Non aligned countries
14:11 – 1960’s
15:35 – Cuban Missile Crisis
17:25 Vietnam War
17:55 – Descalations
19:48 – 1980’s
21:23 End of Cold War
22:55 Aftermath
23:28 New Cold War

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