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In today’s Live Stream Round 50 EVERY Black Ops 2 Zombies Map (Bus Depot)
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Donation leaderboards: (TOTAL SUPER CHAT DONATIONS)
1🥇. $294.86 – Execution
2🥈. $124.42 – Brazzy
3🥉. $40 – kez r
4. $30.99 – DemonsAreInMyVeins
5. $30 – Edye Guevara Vasquez
$30 – Mason C
6. $29.95 – Monkey
7. $25.00 – Property_Chan98
8. $20.00 – Polar!
$20 – Noah Hoover
9. $18.82 – Icy Zombies
10.$16.95 – Kyle Hendricks
11.$12.53 – The Zombie King
12. $8 – Dalmnation Twitch
13. $7.98 – XxR10t K1LL3RxX gaming
14. $7.00 – Tear.S
15. $5.37 – Wackywaffle05
$5.00 – _tri_2_hard_
$5.00 – Orait
$5 – ilovejiz
$5 – Space Surgeon
$4.99 – AlmightyRafael
$3.49 – CJ Vermeire
$3 – JAR2EZ
$2.99 – Atom
$2.00 – NropxVreal
$2.00 – 2steppINdeuces
$2.00 – The Want Be Gamer
$2 – Evan guide
$1.98 – Static 6X
$1.79 – Clarkysj
$1.61 – yShopper games
$1.50 – Shmogz
$1.00 – Kieran George
$1.00 – Lat
$1 – squirtsavage
$1 – Joseph Israell S.
$1 – SvKillua
$1 – OfrmReaper
$1 – garrett50caI
$1 – eddie
$0.99 – Memento
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