FULL OF Call of Duty WW2 NOOBS… ONE WEEK LEFT! (New Relic Game Mode COD WW2)

Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/KrypticsGFX

This is the best game mode for finding the most Call of Duty Noobs on COD WW2. You can legit get a Nuclear or Vicious Medal or V2 Rocket super easy in this new Relic Game mode on Call of Duty WWII. I hope you all enjoy the streaks and clips, I love you all!

HOW TO UNLOCK EVERY DLC WEAPON: https://youtu.be/VPN48htkCjc

CHROME BLUNDERBUSS V2 ROCKET: https://youtu.be/vqfC1KnxIWI

Level 1000 vs FaZe ATTACH CALL OF DUTY PRO PLAYER (BEST COD PLAYER): https://youtu.be/sRF5Zae52FI

Made it to Level 1000 and Now You want to Quit Call of Duty WW2… (COD WW2) *PREVIOUS VIDEO*: https://youtu.be/yfy0BD2Z9LE

SPONSOR ME: https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCln9WuNUhnA73eATZuLfM0g (If you sponsor me, I’ll go get a nuke on your account if you don’t have one already.)

KARNAGE CLAN: https://www.youtube.com/user/KARNAGEclan

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PSNs and stuff: TheMarkOfAHero, HeroTheHunter
Soloish PSNs: Bayanino, Quadigy

Like Montages? Look at my playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbn-dwYgl7j6b5SJsnxwVYIS_CBoPZqZu

Resipiscence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz4JKqpnxzk
Oblectation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLkcrh22yso
Entelechy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEiksiQje_8

Format (the one who made my Logo and Banner!)

Viiper (the GOD editor!)

Only Noob Lobbies in COD WW2.