finally Secret Cashes event is live where you have chance to unlock permanent free Legendaries and mythic weapon through different types of shards . So how to claim Secret Cashes Epic and Mythic Crates ? . There 3 ways to unlock Secret Cashes epic & mythic crates , please note that , if you have 3 epic secret Cashes Crates then you will be able to upgrade it and can Get free mythic or legendary shards & nova camo crates depending you luck . First way is to obtain secret Cashes epic crates through battle pass tiers , if you buy battle pass then you will get total 17 to 18 free secret Cashes Crates and you will be able to upgrade them . But if you are f2p then you will get total 6 to 7 crates in battle pass on free tiers . Second way is to unlock free secret Cashes Crates through challenge HQ , complete task to claim 3 epic secret caches crates & 2 secret Cashes Mythic crates . You may claim one through HQ store . Through mythic Crates you have chance to get different shards , if you have good luck then you may get 100 to 200 shards per crate . 3rd and last way is to earn Secret Cashes Crates through daily challenges event , you will get 3 to 4 crates through daily challenges . If you know more ways to earn then kindly share in the comments . Also players can purchase mythic or legendary shards through store , you can unlock mythic weapon in a day if you have cod points . But if you are f2p player then you have to struggle for it . Kindly share your opinion and guides in the comments and help to other f2p players to unlock mythic and legendary items .