Today I Ranked Every Single COD ZOMBIES Perk From WORST-BEST
(World At War – MW3)
As always there are just my own opinions based on over 10 years of experience with the gamemode!!
Timestamps for specific perks
Intro: 00:00
WAW Perks
Jug: 00:17
SpeedCola: 00:55
Quick Revive: 01:43
Double Tap: 02:38
BO1 Perks
PHD Flopper: 03:20
Staminup: 04:05
Deadshot: 04:28
Mule Kick: 05:03
BO2 Perks
Double Tap 2.0: 05:44
Tombstone: 06:23
Whos Who: 07:08
Electric Cherry: 08:02
Vulture Aid: 08:44
BO3 Perks
Widows Wine: 09:43
BO4 Perks
Quick Revive (BO4): 10:42
StaminUp (BO4): 11:16
DeadShot Dealer: 11:46
Electric Burst: 12:20
Ethereal Razor: 12:45
ZombShell: 13:17
MuleKick (BO4): 13:53
PHD Slider: 14:29
Winters Wail: 15:12
Death Perception: 16:15
Timeslip: 17:11
Bandolier Bandit: 17:56
Stonecold Stronghold: 18:31
Victorious Tortoise: 19:23
Blaze Phase: 20:08
Bloodwolf Bite: 20:53
Dying Wish: 21:36
Secret Sauce: 22:32
CW Perks
Quick Revive: 23:27
Juggernog: 24:02
Staminup: 24:40
Speedcola: 25:09
Deadshot: 25:40
Elemental Pop: 26:12
Death Perception: 27:01
Mulekick: 27:43
PHD Slider: 29:05
Vanguard Perks: 29:43
Outro: 32:23
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Thank You For Watching!!!
World At War, Black Ops, Black Ops 2, Black Ops 3, Black Ops 4, Black Ops Cold War, Vanguard, Modern Warfare 3, Call Of Duty, COD ZOMBIES
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