What is people?? My name is Webbster I am 31 years old I am from the UK, YnWa96JFT_RiP ❤️❤️ I will be streaming everyday. Let’s see if we can get this channel to grow!! 🙂I will be uploading on Black Ops4, PS4 Black Out, Alcatraz,My highest Kills 21kills, Prestige7, 439Wins ,I’ve GoT A Little BeTtEr!! Come Check out my clips if you DARE!! I really hope you all enjoy 😊 I do Like playing Call of Duty games always have! THE ONLY SKILL CaMpErS HAVE IS EATING ThAt BIG 🍆 HeRe To Entertain all of you guys,Hit that 👍LEAVE A COMMENT SHARE most of all hit that Support me. Only if you like my streams and videos if you do please don’t be ☺️ Press that 🔔 when I next upload or steam you all will be the first people to know keep you updated when I next stream or upload a video JUST TO LET PEOPLE KNOW I DO NOT CAMP!! Come Follow My Twitter: IhAteCaMpErS_YT!! May contain strong language!! Category:Entertainment: No Copyright: No RaTs Welcome!!