#cod #modernwarfare2 #modernwarfareii #rant #mw2 #mwii #callofduty #activision #shipment #cod2023 #rigged #sbmm #mw2sucks #battlefield2042 #blackopscoldwar #coldwar
I’m never gaming on April fool’s ever again! lmao
I can’t believe we are in April and MWII is STILL broken like this..
Activision spend a little bit of those billions of dollars you make every year and put it into your AAA games that cost full price. At this point it’s starting to feel like this is being done on purpose. Especially when you see how quick Infinity Ward was on shutting Xclusive Ace’s video down!
COD MW2 Shipment & Black ops cold war gameplay Xbox Series S + a bonus Battlefield 2042 clip
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