The JITTER MODDED SG12 is in Black Ops 4…
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Guys, you’re not going to believe this…
…the Brecci is back in Black Ops 4
AND it has a very annoying Operator Mod that allows you to blind enemies with a flashlight
AND the Jitter Mod that allows it to fire full auto is back
I have no words.
Hopefully the jitter mods for the SG12 get patched very soon!
Vondy, pls fix.
So, what do you guys think about the Jitter Modded Brecci in Black Ops 4? Is there anything else this broken in BO4? Leave a comment letting me know! ^-^
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Outro Song: BAMF – Pegboard Nerds (Family Friendly Remix)
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QggB8Ozjijg
Label Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PegboardNerds
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Thanks for watching!
Erik – M3RKMUS1C
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