Pretty much every SMG was buffed with the New Call of Duty Black Ops 4 1.17 Update. Even though the KN has been untouched balance-wise since the 1.14 update, I thought it was a good time to provide an Updated Best Class Setup for the KN that includes the Suppressor, which is actually pretty strong on the KN. This Video Focuses on how to play Nuketown & take over a lobby using this class setup as I walk you though 2 different matches and how significant streaks are to the process in CoD BO4.
CoD BO4 Update 1.17 Patch Notes: https://charlieintel.com/patch-update-1-17-for-call-of-duty-black-ops-4-now-live/53767/
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KN Best Class Setup | CoD BO4 1.17 Update | How to Play Nuketown