Ameth finally joins the combat ranks! A super support and defense character, that hopefully doesn’t break the bank! Once we get her and complete the event, offt o Fortnite for some pew pew!
Chat about anime, ask gacha advice, weeb out – nerd out – geek out or just lounge! For whatever reason I have a lot of odd knowledge about many topics, and from old businesses, a lot of experience with anime merch in general.
//// Common games we Live Stream!!
– Princess Connect Re:Dive
– WarZone
– Call of Duty / Black Ops / Cold War / Vanguard / Modern Warfare
– Halo Infinite
– Islands of Nyne ?
– Many random Gacha games like Blue Archive, Genshin Impact, Revived Witch, and more!
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Standard Donations: https://streamlabs.com/iqbgdivision1/tip
Crypto Donations: https://1upcoin.com/donate/youtube/theweeblounge
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*TWL Store Page: https://theweeblounge.com
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