We FINALLY have exact details about the new Zombies Content coming with Black Ops Cold War Season 2 Reloaded which includes new features about the upcoming map!
1. Treyarch has revealed the new features that will be released alongside the new Zombies map releasing at the start of Season2 Reloaded next week.
This includes that it will be the first Cold War Zombies map to be set a night time, that it will include a new category of objective for players to complete and that there will be new Intel Easter Eggs on the map to find!
2. Treyarch has re-released the Crossbow into Black Ops Cold War today after removing it earlier in the week.
New Bundle Limits – https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/mbhiyu/just_like_the_ice_drake_the_m60_that_comes_with/
3. Driving around in your jeep can be tough sometimes!
Clip – https://twitter.com/St_Sanythe/status/1368572581020897280
0:00 Confirmed New Zombies Map Features
0:45 New Objective Type To Be Added
1:30 New Map Easter Egg Limited To Intel
2:00 First Cold War Zombies Map Set At Night
2:30 DLC 2 Map And Main Easter Egg Release
2:47 New Content Added And Limitations Found
3:20 Zombie Holding On To Jeep Wheel
3:50 COD WAW PC MP Is Still King
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Outro Song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmu5Lo0lVnQ
Thanks so much for watching!