1-Lady luck-survive with the luck you create.(natural 20)
2-New kid- surbive by utilizing superior German weaponry.(something new)
Survive 25 rounds with the weapon you get from your first hit at the box.Survive 25 rounds usin only GPMG,STEN OR GEWEHR 43. I only used the box one time in round 4 and i got Gewehr 43. From round 4 to round 28 i played only with Gewehr 43 PAP,without going down. I also took 1 insta kill in round 4 and 1 nuke in round 5. Can buy armor,perks,ammo. DO NOT SWITCH YOU WEAPON AT ALL, you wont get the challenge.TRY TO AVOID BOMBERS,KILL THEM FAR AWAY FROM ZOMBIES!!!
If you ‘ re a good player, join our clan[ZsWW] https://www.facebook.com/groups/198878634197767/