NEW Call of Duty Blackout Streamer and Content Creator
I usually stream everyday, if I do not stream then I will upload a video! If you get lucky I’ll do both in one day!
Streams usually start in the afternoon!
Donations would be amazing for this college student: Cash App $willyp4 🤙🏽
Checkout some of my videos if you are new to the channel! You will not be disappointed!
Not only looking for likes and subscribers but want to have conversations with you in the chat while I play! Don’t be shy and say hi!
Follow me on:
Twitter- Wol4rine_
Instagram- willyp_4
Snapchat- Willparks31
Member of FAME Clan! I and many other talented players stream on there every day of the week! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6EM477GdfOYuz_V7RND7tw
#callofduty #BlackoutLive #CallofDuty #CoD #Blackout #BO4