Two NEW Leaks regarding DLC 5 Zombies Chronicles 2 have emerged for Black Ops 4 making it very likely that the pack will be coming after the Black Ops Pass season is over.
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1. The first bit of DLC 5 news comes from Zombies YouTuber GlitchingQueen who noticed that over on the store page in the Black Ops 4 menus there appeared to be a locked space for another Zombies DLC pack beyond what we were promised in the Black Ops Pass. This sixth DLC spot could be reserved for the long rumoured free DLC Zombies map or it could be the spot to download the complete Zombies Chronicles 2 package when it becomes available.
Queen’s Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmSe7vsr3RQ&t=60s
2. The second bit of info comes from a video put up by prominent Zombies Modder Jerri showing some of the code of Black Ops 4 specifically as it relates to the long promised Zombies faction feature. Within the code we can see the length of planned content for Zombies faction where it will run for 8 seasons consisting of 12 callings per season. This confirms that support for Black Ops 4 Zombies will continue past the release of DLC 4 and into the release of the next Call of Duty Modern Warfare game. It would make sense that this continuation of support in Zombies Factions would be supplemented by new Zombies Content in the form of DLC 5.
Jerri’s Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-RiFK6tcX8
Look out for the announcement of Call of Duty Modern Warfare later this week to see if they will talk about their ‘third mode’. If it’s not Zombies you have got to wonder if Activision will task Treyarch with keeping this community engaged and monetized during the drought.
Outro Song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmu5Lo0lVnQ
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