ROAD TO 500! – Stop by to say hello! – Call of Duty WW2 Livestream
If you enjoy the stream, be sure to like and subscribe!
Follow me on Twitter! – https://twitter.com/Kejirain
Join the Discord! – https://discordapp.com/invite/uXqtK5d
Support the stream – https://streamlabs.com/kejiraingaming
Become a sponsor – https://www.patreon.com/Kejirain
Our Sponsors:
Katie Mohan – $6.00
FasuloGaming – $5.00
Buy T-shirts (KejiKlothing) here! – https://www.tshirtstudio.com/marketplace/kejirain-gaming
Katie Mohan – $20.00
Tanna – $20.00
FasuloGaming – $10.00
Kamanuch – $15.00 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClOi7ZbmVVo4BpcQii4TWFg
Lakey – $2.00
PlayerTwo – $2.00
Zebra Man – $1.00
I play on Xbox One so if you would like to add me, my gamertag is: Kejirain
Welcome to my stream! In case you are new to my streams, I will explain some guidelines to go by:
1. The stream has a bot that will allow you to have a currency called KejiKoins. Don’t worry this isn’t real money, it’s a fake currency used to entertain chat if I am away from the stream or if something boring is happening on screen. You can see the stream commands in the designated section below. The KejiKoin rate is currently 250 every minute watched (value can be subject to change)
2. BE RESPECTFUL TO EVERYONE – There is no need for bad behavior in chat and it will not be tolerated.
3. Do NOT subscribe with multiple accounts, it hurts the channel.
4. Do NOT ask for moderator.
5. Have fun! Enjoy the stream!
Moderators for my streams are here to help support the stream and to keep chat healthy and safe. Of course, there are guidelines for moderators as well:
1. DO NOT use the stream command “!reward” unless I say so. I will tell ONE mod at a time to use this command and to give a specific amount to a viewer or all viewers.
2. WATCH CHAT: There will be people in chat violating the stream rules. Block any inappropriate comments/users. If you are having trouble or have questions, ask me and I will take care of the situation.
3. Be a good moderator: Since this position gives you more abilities, you may be tempted to abuse this power. Being a moderator is being a leader. Failure to follow any or all stream rules will result in a mod revoke
!kkoins – Shows your amount of KejiKoins/Watch time
!give (username) (amount) – Gives an amount of KejiKoins to someone
!bet (amount) – Gamble KejiKoins
!top 1-10 – Shows the top people with KejiKoins
!reward (amount) – Rewards the current viewers with the specified amount
!reward (username) (amount) – Rewards the specified person with the specified amoun