I have been in the zombies community since waw. Never left never will💯
➡️COD Zombies streamer/YouTuber⬅️
Apollo Aftersh0ck- $10
Dragacius- +$1000
Lolman TB4Xfan $125
BNKS- +$100
Cat Lover- $+45
iFusionZ- £26
Asriel Dremmurr- $69
Asteroid Delta- +$50
Solo Cosmical- +30
BettaPackALunch- +$75
BettaPackAPunch- +$75
Lester- +$50
ChrisyBoy123- +$146
VSBM- +$150
Channel Membership link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCicUNCN81eTkykwurO-J30g/join
Chrisy boy1234
Snowwy (Deleted Channel)
The Honest Truth
Wilkins Coffee Archive’s
🌐 Daily livestreams:🌐
Weekdays: 7:30pm EST to 9pm EST
Weekends: 7:30pm EST to 9:30pm EST
Winter/Spring breaks: 7:30pm EST to 11:30pm EST
Summer: 7:30pm EST to 12:00am EST
🔴Rules in livestreams:🔴
No arguments
No offensive language
No spam
No racism
No fights in the chat
No self promotion
TB4X Reaction Stream Rules (when sending a video):
1. No Copyrighted Material (Check description of video)
2. No Age Restricted Videos
3. No more than 2 minutes
4. If you’re sending through twitter, DM me or tag me with the video
5. If you’re sending through discord, go to images-videos-links and ping me
6. Once you send a video, you will be put on a list, so please be patient
7. Everyone can send ONE video (You can send more if I say so)
8. Only send YOUTUBE LINKS (Others will not be accepted)
9. At 9:25pm est, no more videos will be accepted
Stream Schedule:
Monday: World At War Custom Zombies Zombie Crash
Tuesday: Bo1 Five Reimagined Mod
Wednesday: Bo2 Town Cold War Mod
Thursday: Bo3 The Giant Advanced Warfare Mod
Friday: Bo4 IX Harcore Easter Egg + Reaction Stream (Toogood4xbox)
Saturday: Cold War Firebase Z Round 100 Easter Egg
Sunday: BO3 Custom Zombies TMNT
Shoutout to Spazzo for the TB4X Overlay and Transition
Credit goes to @Sinatiks, @Zwenic, @XDFlamer99, @FatMatt_, @delion_zeigler, and @CraftDAnimation for the PNGs and backgrounds I use in my thumbnails! (If you see anyone else’s work, let me know plz!)
🔵My goal in life is to have YouTube as my job, so to all new viewers, if you click that subscribe button, you have done your good deed for today (Fun fact, I wrote this back in 2016, hahaa, good times)
✅Next sub goal: 3k
✔️Life sub goal: 1,000,000
✅Join the discord server: https://discord.gg/NDXkf45
✅Follow me on Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/toobad4xbox
#BlackOps4 #CallOfDuty #BlackOps3
OOOOO, more parts to the description…. Hmm what should I say…
idk actually, all you see is me sittin on my a** playin bo1, bo2, bo3, bo4, or cold war all day, YIKES, but oh well, I enjoy it!
I also should say that I love y’all 🙂
tags: zombies,black ops,black ops zombies,black ops 2 zombies,call of duty zombies,black ops 3,cod zombies,black ops 1 zombies,black ops 3 zombies,black ops 2,call of duty black ops 3,black ops 2 zombies tranzit,call of duty black ops,call of duty black ops 2,black ops 1,black ops 4,zombie,black ops zombies music,black ops 3 zombies mods,five black ops 1 zombies,black ops 1 zombies five,black ops 4 zombies movie,black ops 1 zombies in 2020,bo2 zombies,zombies,call of duty zombies,bo2,black ops 2 zombies,cod zombies,zombie,cod bo2 zombies,bo3 zombies,bo2 zombies tranzit,black ops 3 zombies,town zombies,bo2 zombie,bo2 zombies town,black ops zombies,bo2 town zombies,cod bo2 zombies town,all bo2 zombies maps,tranzit bo2 zombies,bo2 zombies deutsch,dicas de bo2 zombies,bo2 zombies easter egg,bo2 origins zombies,cod bo2,all bo2 zombies easter eggs,call of duty zombies bo2