Today I’m showcasing the BEST TRICKSHOTS on Call of Duty Modern Warfare III.. ENJOY!!
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My YouTube videos contain trickshotting content from the video game franchise known as “Call of Duty”. These titles are Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (COD4) 2007 / World at War (WAW) 2008 / Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) 2009 / Black Ops 1 (BO1) 2010 / Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) 2011 / Black Ops 2 (BO2) 2012 / Call of Duty Online (COD: Online) 2013 / Ghosts (COD Ghosts) 2013 / Advanced Warfare (AW) 2014 / Black Ops 3 (BO3) 2015 / Infinite Warfare (IW) 2016 / Modern Warfare Remastered (MWR) 2016 / Black Ops 4 (BO4) 2018 / Call of Duty Mobile (COD: Mobile) 2019 / Modern Warfare (MW19) 2019 / Warzone (MW19: Warzone) 2020 / Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Campaign (MW2R) 2020 / Black Ops Cold War (BOCW) 2020 / Vangaurd (COD: Vangaurd) 2021 / Moden Warfare 2 (MWII) 2022 / Modern Warfare 3 (MWIII).
Thumbnail was created by using assets from https://url.bysawr.com/CODE-DEZOH
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I do not take any ownership of music displayed in this video. Ownership belongs to the respected owner(s). Used under fair use policy. Music used for entertainment purposes only.
Tags: (please ignore)💛
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Thanks for reading, I love you!
– Dezoh💚