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Call of Duty Vanguard and Warzone were supposed to have its final update of Season 1 today… But with the extension, or rather delay to Season 2, that’s no longer the case. However, with this update we got a handful of changes that honestly are pretty nice to see. From smaller things like your weekly playlist update to some perk and map adjustments as well as some pesky bug fixes for Warzone, today we’re going to break down the (former) final update of Vanguard and Warzone Season 1. What the next week holds or so, we’ll have to take a look at but there’s a decent bit to discuss on deck now. As we go along, feel free to let me know your thoughts on any of these changes we saw today. Good, bad, neutral, feel free to drop your thoughts below. As well, if you’re new to the channel, if you’d like to stay up to date with all things Vanguard, Warzone and anything COD related, I’d love to have you in the community so feel free to subscribe for the best in all of that. For now though, let’s take a look at what the most recent updates for Vanguard and Warzone changed and how your game could be affected. This is: The (Former) FINAL UPDATE of SEASON 1 Changed These 34 Things… (Vanguard + Warzone Update Notes)
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