Call of Duty Vanguard’s Season 2 update went out today for pre-loading, but along the way changed some fundamental pieces to Vanguard, fixing up bugs and glitches, while also inadvertently showcasing some of the content that’s coming to Vanguard with Season 2, displaying, and even in some cases, being usable now. There’s a lot to be said about this update so today we’re going to break down what you can expect to see out of Vanguard Update 1.12, the Season 2 launch update available for pre-load right now. As we go along, we’ll take a look at the content that is visible now, what kind of bled over and what’s usable for a private match and what you can do to get used to the coming content as well as what’s still withheld from this update. Let me know your thoughts below, of Season 2’s offering, is there anything in particular that you’re looking forward to? Anything stand out? If you’re new to the channel, do me a favor and drop a like and subscribe to stay up to date with all things on the way in Vanguard, Warzone and anything Season 2 related. For now, this is: The SEASON 2 UPDATE Changed These 73 Things Early… (VANGUARD Update 1.28 Notes)
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