Unboxing GPD P2 Max, a $700 mini laptop. Black Ops 2 zombies gameplay in one of the best maps ever. Thanks to GPD for sending this review unit!
Black Ops 2 “CARE PACKAGE” unboxing https://youtu.be/YfsE9GPz8XE
GPD Win https://youtu.be/oIGiccXlhsM
GPD Win 2 https://youtu.be/wTZ1QjCL5-0
GPD MicroPC https://youtu.be/vj9xJND1PD0
All unboxing videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo2sxVnbrTqCxdu55pSRUEQhplewUYE7T
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GPD P2 Max https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/gpd-p2-max-the-world-s-smallest-ultrabook#/
(I am not affiliated with GPD nor make any revenue for sales)
Xbox One controller I used in this video https://youtu.be/5ZP51G4QNKU