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115 Day, which with international date formatting makes less sense, is the annual Treyarch celebration of Zombies each January 15th in accordance with the established element 115 – it’s been a long standing tradition in Black Ops games and any title that has a connection to the Zombies universe and most of the times we some sort of celebration. This year’s is no exception, in fact, instead of just a little celebration encouraging play of Zombies further, we actually got a really insightful look at what’s to come and way sooner than we probably expected. Today, we’re running down 115 day and what you need to know, what you should take advantage of and what you can get ready for in the mean time. Drop your thoughts as we go along, drop a like if you enjoy the video and make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with all things Black Ops 6 and other FPS content – also, make sure to follow over on Twitch, hoping to get a stream going here in the next day or two before heading out for the weekend but then getting back into the swing of things so if you want to just casually chat, watch some games that are and are not COD, I’d love to have you in the community. For now, let’s get into it…. This is: Treyarch Revealed a FIRST LOOK at Black Ops 6 Season 2…
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00:00 – Intro
00:58 – The 115 Day Update Live Now in Black Ops 6
01:52 – A First Look at Black Ops 6 Season 2 Zombies: The Tomb
03:58 – A First Look at Black Ops 6 Quality of Life Updates
07:20 – Will There Be More Than 4 Black Ops 6 Zombies Maps?
09:08 – Additional Updates & Black Ops 6 Information
09:56 – Final Thoughts on 115 Day & The Season 2 Reveals
11:10 – Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!