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Treyarch be acting a fool with how they made the Ascension Easter Egg. I knows it was their first attempt but still… they could’ve gave me something cooler than a 90 second death machine. How about a permanent death machine in my inventory since that wouldn’t even be too OP capping off pre-40s. Still though, I gotta hand it to Treyarch, this easter egg was pretty dope and luckily the COMMUNITY was vocal enough to get more doper more epic easter egg rewards in future CoD Zombies Maps. There are easter eggs in CoD WaW, CoD BO1, CoD BO2, CoD BO3, CoD BO4, CoD Bo5, CoD BOCW, CoD IW, CoD Ghosts, CoD WW2, and even CoD MWIII. There are easter eggs in Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies, Call of Duty World At War Zombies, Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies, Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies, Call of Duty Black Ops 5 Cold War Zombies, and Call of Duty MWIII Zombies. My favorite easter egg maps are Shadows Of Evil, Mob Of The Dead, Call Of The Dead, Origins, Ascension, Moon, Shangri-La, Der Riese, Shi No Numa, Die Rise, Tranzit, Gorod Krovi, Zetsubou No Shima, Revelations, Der Eisendrache, Kino Der Toten, Nacht Der Untoten, IX, Voyage Of Despair, Blood Of The Dead, Tag Der Toten, and so many more. So so so many more bros. Ascension also features the abracadavre easter egg song.
Written By: Golden Era Zombies Technologies, LLC ©️