Call of Duty Vanguard has a big update coming this week that on the front facing side of things, brings us Shipment, the first post-launch map coming to Vanguard. But on top of that, we’ll be seeing likely a LOT of changes in what is likely to be the next title update along side that. With each title update, Vanguard should be seeing some improvements hopefully and with a lot of things expected to change in Vanguard as of the next update, I figured we’d break down what you can be on the lookout for. Today we’re taking a look at the 28 Big Changes Coming in the Next update for Vanguard, likely update 1.06. From things like bug fixes and adjustments to camo challenge tracking and challenge updates all the way to things likely including weapon tuning for major targets like the STG-44, Shotguns, Type 100 and more. There’s a lot of things up on deck, so stick around for the official patch notes when they’re released, but for now, let’s take a look at the 28 Big Changes you can expect in the next update for Call of Duty Vanguard. This is: VANGUARD: The 28 BIG CHANGES Coming In The NEXT UPDATE… (Vanguard Update 1.06 Expected Changes)
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