#Vanguard #ModernWarfare #ColdWar
I get asked a lot which call of duty I think is the best out of the last few cods that released… Or which one is worse would be a better question out of call of duty vanguard, black ops cold war & modern warfare 2019. We’re gonna break it down a little in this video. If you’d like me to elaborate a little bit more on this topic in a future video because I ran out of time towards the end… Let me know in the comments!
Call of duty black ops 4, black ops 3 & black ops 2 gameplay
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Track: Electro-Light – Symbolism [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/__CRWE-L45k
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/symbolism