This video contains leaked multiplayer weapons and details, as well as a link to an absolutely giant amount of leaked zombies information. I did my best not to spoil Zombies vocally because people are super sensitive about Zombies spoilers, so instead I acknowledged the leaks and linked you to them! 😀 Check out the links below!
• New Call of Duty, Same Old Activision! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwKRaEb-qsw
• LEAKED CALL OF DUTY HALLOWEEN EVENT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFpaVJyc5ks
• Video Specific Links:
Massive Leak Dump, full of details, images, files, and more: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/74lll6/wwii_nazi_zombies_info_pulled_from_the_pc_beta/
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Intro/Outro: April Showers by ProleteR