Call of Duty Warzone’s Season 2 Reloaded is right around the corner and today it was fully revealed so we’re going to be breaking down the tons of information myself and a few others in the gaming “press” learned about in a pre-briefing with Raven earlier last week. From new things like the points of interest in Rebirth Island to the new quality of life changes all the way to new features like the communications towers and the Weapon Trading Stations, there’s a LOT on deck. Today we’re going to break down everything you should know and be aware of ahead of this update coming later this week. I’m excited to finally have something new to play around with in Warzone (and also in Vanguard, though this video is focused solely on Warzone’s information from the early briefing). As we go along, feel free to drop your thoughts on Season 2 Reloaded and what you’re hoping to see or are excited for as we gear up for the next chapter of Warzone. That said, let’s jump into the Season 2 Reloaded Update and what was fully revealed including big rebirth map updates, big gameplay changes and much more! This is: WARZONE: The SEASON 2 RELOADED UPDATE Was FULLY REVEALED… (Rebirth Map Update, Big Changes & More)
Full Blog Post (Now Live): callofduty.com/blog/2022/03/call-of-duty-vanguard-warzone-season-two-reloaded-rebirth-island
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