It’s finally that time of the year to break down and share my final review of Black Ops Cold War Multiplayer. Just like with every year, I like to break this into 2 parts so today we’re going to be focusing 100% on the positives and I’ll be sharing all of the important things that I feel Cold War did right! What did you like about Cold War? (Please save the negative comments for part 2 where we look at what MW did wrong!)
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0:00 Intro
0:50 Core Gameplay Design
1:31 Map Design
2:40 Spawns
3:42 Time to Kill*
4:56 Flinch
6:19 Footsteps/Ninja
8:00 Real Gun Stats
8:39 FoV on Console
9:08 Monetization
10:12 Post Launch Content
10:31 Combat Record/Stat Tracking
11:05 Callable Nuke
11:48 Campaign
12:08 Zombies (from a casual perspective)
12:46 Wrapping Up