I bring you some gameplay using the best SMG in CoD WW2, which is the PPSH. The Division of choice is the Expeditionary Division. This weapon is arguably the fastest melting and most reliable SMGs in CoD WW2. This class setup does not need anything special and demonstrates why the PPSH is so powerful. Hopefully you will understandWhy the PPSH SMG is the best SMG in CoD WW2.
Hope you enjoy & I hope you find the points I make helpful.
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How I Record & Stream……….,Elgato HD60 with PC and OBS
Facecam…………………………….Logitec Pro 922
Lighting………………………………Neewer 18′ outer fluorescent ring
Editing Software………………….Sony Vegas
Headset…………………………….. Astro A50
Controller Option 1………………Standard PS4 Controller
Controller Option 2………………Xbox Elite using Cronus Max
Attachments………………………..Kontrol Freeks