Become an NGTZ Horde Member ► https://www.youtube.com/user/NGTZombies/join
Leave a Tip and Interact with the Live Stream ► https://streamlabs.com/ngtzombies/tip
$1.15 ► Give Spider an Out-of-Body Experience
$2.85 ► Blur Spider’s Screen
$3.35 ► The Anti Point Whore – Zombie Kills Give NEGATIVE Points
$4.20 ► Spin Spider Around and Around and Around
$5.11 ► No Power Ups for You Spider (Avoids 3 Powerup Drops)
$5.39 ► Replace a Random Perk with Another Random Perk
$6.45 ► Take 50% of Spider’s Current Points
$6.66 ► Spawn a Horde of Sprinting Zombies
$9.35 ► Give Spider the MOST AMAZING Weapon EVER….or a DUD!
Interact with the Live Stream using the donation amounts above to automatically apply the described effects to SpiderBite in-game. This works both for YouTube Super Chat as well as Streamlabs tips. However, it will not work for currencies other than US$. Streamlabs seems to only accept US$ so if Super Chat won’t allow you to donate in US$ (the currency will auto-convert to US$ and your tip amount won’t match the below amounts), try Streamlabs. Also, if you have the choice, please use the Streamlabs tip link as opposed to YouTube Super Chat (YouTube devalues your donation by 30%). Note that if the stream overlay is not visible, then we are playing a map that is not compatible with our effects mod.
The road to 1,000,000 zombie kills continues today with a map called Tuvong!
Thanks to logical for this great map featuring Cold War Zombies HUD and other features!
Map Link ► https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2518534507
Check out our custom, hand-made, needle-felted zombies here ► https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/WoolyTopic?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=1211591587§ion_id=37874914
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