IX 🏆World Record 160-167 Classics Flawless – BO4 Zombies – Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

75-101 https://youtu.be/dcxcPYSGbvY
101-115 https://youtu.be/rtezpWA0LMg
115-125 https://youtu.be/MLYyMo9WQcs
125-135 https://youtu.be/MbfFlkJHtIQ
136-146 https://youtu.be/tRjByj3Ew3U
146-153 https://youtu.be/qjtNWKQ-EU0
153-160 https://youtu.be/uiJg04naXr4

This channel is all about playing legit high round Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 & 4 Zombies. I share strategies and techniques from all the various maps, with a few other special videos and tips.

Twitter: twitter.com/in2itscott
Discord: https://discord.gg/cRNT7D9

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