Nostalgic Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Xbox Multiplayer Gameplay

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Xbox Series X Gameplay livestream of this second entry in the series that has both past and future missions tied to the Mason family. A dark look at the future for sure. Dive deep into the historical aspect of the series while also trying to work into the future as well through neat story perspectives.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Xbox Series X Gameplay multiplayer for this entry that not only has an expansive campaign, it also has a rather intriguing multiplayer and zombies components. In the online there are many competitive options though the lobbies are somewhat quiet these days so it’s hard to find players, kind of dead multiplayer. The zombies features an interesting twist on the formula including Grief and more mechanical type maps alongside wild DLC offerings for coop play.

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#CallofDuty #BlackOps 2 #XboxSeriesX gameplay review of this interesting entry in the series that makes some really intense narrative moves that will definitely surprise those familiar with the game that came before it. Continue onwards to figure out what’s happening in this epic tale of the Mason family. Then there’s the multiplayer that features a pile of modes to play with others, if you can find them online that is.

It also is backed my the zombies which was large in scale, yet also at times rather awkward for sure. It brought some neat action to it and many ways to play. It’s also not too busy these days, but still a blast if you can find friends for a coop time. There’s a lot to this game, and it’s still rather memorable in regards to what it provided. Many ways to play, tons of good multiplayer action to enjoy in a coop or competitive way. #PS5 #Gaming

00:00 Hijacked
06:25 Overflow
14:10 Gym Fees Change
16:35 Hijacked Match 2
23:35 Nuketown
34:35 Dig & Hard Drive Size Changes
49:46 Uplink
58:10 Pod
1:04:40 Drone & Target & Floats
1:13:30 Slums
1:20:10 Raid
1:26:01 Cove
1:31:10 Studio
1:35:10 Yemen & Cool PC
1:41:18 Vertigo
1:44:50 Raid Match 2
1:52:40 Cargo
1:58:42 Encore
2:06:40 Mirage
2:11:02 Drone Match 2
2:18:20 Downhill
2:25:20 Nuketown Match 2
2:31:25 Pod Match 2
2:39:12 Encore Match 2
2:48:36 Hijacked Match 2
2:53:20 Slums Match 2
2:59:30 Takeoff
2:06:20 Vertigo Match 2
3:14:10 Carrier
3:20:20 Yemen Match 2
3:26:00 Hijacked Match 3
3:33:13 Frost
3:41:15 Dig Match 2
3:48:10 Nuketown Match 3
4:00:00 Raid Match 3