The Warzone Modern Warfare 3 Integration Is Going to Change Everything…

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This upcoming Wednesday brings along with it the new Warzone integration with Modern Warfare 3 Season 1. That means all the Modern Warfare 3 weapons, camos, operators, cosmetics and even mechanic sets will be added to the Warzone gameplay loop and with that, there’s a ton of things fundamentally that will be changing Warzone from Modern Warfare 3 but today I want to run down all the key changes you need to know about. As we go along, drop your thoughts below, if you enjoy the video, drop al ike and consider subscribing if you’re part of the 60% of viewers who are not subscribed to stay on top of all the best settings, loadouts, tips and tricks, news and info regarding Warzone and the Modern Warfare 3 integration. For now, let’s jump into all these changes that Modern Warfare 3’s integration within Warzone Season 1 will bring along. This is: The Warzone Modern Warfare 3 Integration Is Going to Change Everything…

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00:00 – Intro
00:48 – The Big, Top Level Changes in Warzone Season 1
02:14 – The Big Movement Changes in Warzone Season 1
02:38 – The MAJOR Gameplay Changes in Warzone Season 1
10:12 – Content Coming In-Season in Warzone Season 1
11:48 – The Fate of DMZ Was Revealed After Warzone Season 1
14:36 – Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!